HMV: Monday night, last week.
Damn, I've been left with nothing to do.
When would Spinelli call when they say they would particularly last week.
Yes, I've applied for a part-time job at Spinelli, thanks to Sue for the hook-up.
Soccer match last Saturday was good.
We won, 3-0!
I was gasping for air just 30 minutes into the game.
Need to get those stamina up. Damn...
Anyway, last week have been a soccer fiesta I would say.
Played soccer almost everyday with different bunches. heh...
The last was yesterday, Arul called to ask me to join em'.
I obliged tho' I know for a fact that I still have to attend them night masjid classes, particularly because its been sometimes since all of us meet together and that I've not been joining them for the last 2 recent ball game.
Start early at 4.30pm, tho' most came at around 7.30pm at which I have to pack up and make my way to the mosque, without bathing but wiped dry.
Lethargic even before we started playing, I didnt went into the mosque after that.
Sat outside under those Hdb blocks, making my way in only when the ustaz start to recite the closing verses.
Sucessfully making my parents conclude that i've been inside all along... again.
Its just that I'm tired.
And tired have diverse meanings i tell you! heh!
Kaki aku penat asyik main bola je... tapi masih nak main!Been getting online everytime I'm home, hoping to see somebody or anybody who would freshen things up on Msn.
But that didn't happen.
What did ya'll do when ya'll are not online this days?
Takkan takde plan ke ape pun... heran ah...Happy b'dae nan.