Thursday, June 23, 2005


Been busy.
Its taking up my schedule.
Straight to work after school.
Been having full days lately...

Ahh mcm nak tanggung anak doblas!

Anyways its been good.
I'm resourcing all my time.

Black Eyed Peas 'Monkey business' album launch.
Saturday, 250605'
5pm onwards,

Do come, no age limits and its free.
Be helping out.

Happy 13th birthday Jeremiah Neville.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Hari Lahir

Happy 14th Birthday Rashid...

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Trackback idiot

School's lethargic.
The travel distance to Dover didn't help either.
Its always been a rush hour in the morning; which had me track-back often, just so that I wouldn't forget anything.
It contributes towards uneasiness...

What's the hassle going on at home...
I quite hate the mums' mood pretensions.
How it could develop towards the childs' retaliation.
Teenage angst, rebelliousness, all that teenage pretexts?
The hell?

I've made some friends this past days.
Much attributed to the internet.
It kinda feel funny to have to talk to someone but never met them.
Especially when your constant chats and conversation kinda make you feel attached.
One that you will willingly called a friend.
That's why I'd make it a point to at least meet up or something.
Yeah we'll meet soon...

I'm workin today, do drop by people.
From 5 onwards, you know where...

Kadang-kadang blog-blog ni seme banyak jugak cerite sedih eh.
Kelakar jugak bace.
Especially when org yg blog tu tak lah se-emo gitu kat luar.
Tapi aktcherli kan, seme org ade jugak emo attributes tersendiri dorang.
Cume tak tunjuk je kat luar.
Ni lah kat blog, dorang jadi emo semomo-momo nye.

Monday, June 06, 2005

Pencil and Lecture notes.

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Pencil and Lecture notes.

I've wanted to post some of this pictures the last time.
Taken during the first few days of school.
Time to get ready for straight hours of lectures...

Things been turning up a few notches and transcending some nautical knots down.
It'll ride its way on...

I started my first day at Spinelli Peninsula branch today.
Its been great.
A little more breezier I supposed.
Knock off the working blues people...

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Paper kat tepi tu...

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Biar tidur yang hujung tu...