Friday, September 30, 2005

Member September.

Semester break in Ramadan.
Which would last a month.
We would've to troop back to Dover even before Ramadan ends...
Who would've thought of this great idea.

I don't know whose idea that is, but it certaintly is jamming the academic brain.
Anyway just wake me up when Ramadan ends...

Thanks 1.2 Delta, for them templates & stickers.
Them templates on Hp will be up soon.

Children's Day greets the end of September, so who's gonna wake up?

Sunday, September 25, 2005

This is the story that must be told.

Get me some pasta momma.

So its exam period and everyone seems to write bout them.
I offer no exception.
Had 3 term test and 3 exams to sit for.
Failed two tests and was absent for the first...

Done with 2 exam papers and god knows if I'd ever make it.

Retests and 1 more exam paper next week.
All one after another, Monday till Wednesday.

Can somebody tell me what the heck does I.C.A stands for...
Should I put a question mark or an exclamation after the above sentence?

Happy 14th Birthday Irfan.

Welcome to the world Danish Hakim, well its a year now.

To my man KGB, mintak ampun dunia akhirat. :)

Sunday, September 18, 2005

The little grey underwear.

Friday night was as per normal.
Soccer with the lads after sun down.
The construction simply couldn't wait so we've to change venue.
This happens When Petal Garden couldn't take us no more.
So was this court, he simply likes to be taken into surgery...

So we ended up at the street soccer court which sat solitudely besides a canal.
Perhaps we should call em' the great Singapore canal.
Because without them we could be New Orleans, especially during monsoons.
And perhaps because of the canal again, them courts sit so solitude here.
No one simply likes to play there...
Ask them canals'!

A few games through, pop 12 year ol' Afiq.
I knew him, they knew him... we knew him.
Simply because he was there the last time we were there- and the last time after last time after last time after last time.
But that night he was hyper.
He sat us through even after them floodlights decide to sleep.
He cracked jokes, we laugh.
We ask him to tease others, we laugh.
Even at the slightest, we laugh.

Asked to go home as it was late, he simply dismissed it.
Mama's ok with it he says.
So time pass, and he became bolder, teasing bit by bits.
Then came the infamous idea of stripping him.
Some people idea add up with nul's enthusiasm, it was surely gonna happen.

But it didn't happen.
Well, so it nearly does...
But thank god it didn't.

He ran home, clearly upset.
Kesian Afiq...
Korang ni pun.


3 more papers, Tuesday, Friday & the Tuesday after next.
Still to revise yet.
I am certaintly gonna fail last Friday's paper.
God forbid.

By the way I'm still working.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Thee punye pasal lah.

Term test this week and 3 more exam papers which span for another 1 week plus.
The semester's too fast.
I'm certaintly aint ready.
I didn't feel if i've learnt much or maybe at all this semester.
But I did know some stuff lah.
Didn't went for the first test paper on monday, head down to the polyclinic for an M.C. instead.

Yeah, one should be true, if they said I'm busy lately...
Well practically.
I tried to squeeze in as much into my time.
The job, the classes and the going out.
Yup, I still have time to go out but I certaintly feel time's not on my side.
I guess basically its her, the part-time job.
She's kinda draining me...
Don't get me wrong, I love job, well 'like' goes better here...
Yeah so...I like job but the notion of having to meet job after school out of obligation seems rotten.
And I guess the studying part gets neglected all this while.
Erm..I think you can take the 'guess' word out here... too much guessing lah.

Keje oh keje
Kenape engkau ade
Mcm mane aku tak ade
Engkau nak carik duit
Engkau nak carik duit

Why you students work,
why I work...
Its damn true, answers are out, we kids wants extra cash to buy stuff, yeah we 'kids', you get it right there.
Yup I want to get new clothes, new things, well basically 'wants'.
I don't know for thee, but me mum don't give me money to get new things.
So yes, me have to work...
Fuck, what's up with the 'me' going on?
Ok back to the the topic,
Do you think I justified?
Should I work, cause I think it'll be better if I don't have too.
But I want money, cash, bucks, banknotes... big television, washing machines, cars, compact disc players, electrical tin openers, good health, low cholesterol, dental insurance, osim massage chairs and fixed-income mortgage repayments.
Gasak kau lah!

There's a saying within Hatta's wise words that says, when you started to fret work, then quit.
Yeah the ultimatum, Q-U-I-T, no negotiations.
So I fret work, should I quit Demi-god Superior?
But I want money, cash, bucks, banknotes... big television, washing machines, cars, compact disc players, electrical tin openers, good health, low cholesterol, dental insurance, osim massage chairs and fixed-income mortgage repayments.
Gasak kau no. 2 lah

So I know of some mates who easily buy stuffs but they need not work...
There's the basis of buy every month, get them receipts and hand it to the ol' man for claims.
There's also the Timothy's "oh I've no money to go out, but hey I like that shirt".
So he'll be wearing the shirt he likes the next day.
Then the Asri's "mak, I don't think I'm going to Australia for the attachment so now I wanna buy stuffs, can I use the money".
And the mak says ok and ask him to take $200 from the bank account.
Can we trade places?
But I think we ought to trade spaces.

The transfer windows close tomorow 12am.

Should I work?
But I want money, cash, bucks, banknotes... big television, washing machines, cars, compact disc players, electrical tin openers, good health, low cholesterol, dental insurance, osim massage chairs and fixed-income mortgage repayments.

They're holding onto my $100 bill for 6 months.
That'll be 4 months from now...