Rock Star Collective 5 year anniversary party; 14th May.
Taped flyer at Haji Lane power box.
More info. at rockstarcollective.
I have quite realised that going out with kids is quite a task.
You can't really do your thing.
And it also kinda make you look funny.
Nan made me realised...
It's never an objective to make em' happy and make that particular outing memorable eh.
Dorang yang nak ikut and furthermore it might be because of you that they can actually go out, ah weekday lagi!
So you actually have already done em' a favour.
Responsible besar tu!
I don't quite understands people whom initiate brb on msn but then after a while, just turns offline.
Ah bukan satu orang jer eh, due.
Due-due baru add.
Ah Acute pre-Pubescent Reciprocal Syndrome eh?
Hah... Jgn eksyen eh afiz.
Ah main bola sampai kaki mintak ampun!
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