Ah mari menari, kite dapat duit niari!
-Styles From Beyond during Bonzo D' Flava II -
I'm literally broke tho' I have some cash in hand which supposedly couldn't be mine as I've done too much withdrawal from the ATM of which the money are not for my usage, practically...
Be it when I saw something I want but don't have cash or when some plans went berserk when someone who were not supposed to be there turns up.
The ATM would be the refuge after which I would intend to pay back after I'd get my pay check on a certain event project I'm part of.
It was always that way, I'd only withdraw when I know that I would get some cash later on.
So in other words it'd meant use first pay later...
Ah justify, Justin Fly!
But it would be difficult once you get those money and were suppose to pay back.
How I wish...
I'm getting the CDC project pay today after bout' 1 month of process, and it doesn't feels good at all.
There's those overdue hp bills,
those use-first-pay-later item's payment and,
those last minute withdrawal to accomodate pop-out people...
Jangan baik hati sangat nak blanje org, tgk dulu duit tu ade tak...
And lastly I got to teach myself not to make money plans without money in hand...
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