Thursday, May 19, 2005

Johor, Johore, Johor Bahru?

Went to Johor with the 'petal' bunch yesterday.
Bought some stuffs and I got my self the much self-awaited Gerhana Ska Cinta album which is precisely unavailable here.

Ah Johor, KL pun sama, traffic light langgar je...
Bilang Umnno kalau nak save goods' tax dorang yg 5% tu, traffic light seme cabut, save bil api air dorang...

The taxi there is also well known for its notorious customer and fare touting antics.
They'd refuse to charge according to the fare meter.
And if they do... do prepare for some surprises.
Since when do the Malaysian goverment approved a taxi fare hike?
They even come prepared with a black & white document (which even emboses the appropriate authorities emblem)-which looks surreally fake...hah.
What a good made-up scam and document...

Gerek ah korang, cerite anak metropolitan tak pernah miss eh...

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The bus to JB.
Ah, Hari Raya je bus terminal ni buka.

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Saper nye idea ni makan Kenny Rogers?

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Best? Ayam die okĀ², harga die... walauwe!

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Ah check baju! biar tepi tangga pun ok.

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Biar jual barang reject tapi kedai besar dan ada banyak cawangan, tetap maju!

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'Kalau RM 100 then, bayar SGD$ 50 ah,kite accept duit Singapore...'
kepala otak, nak ketuk orang je.
Aku tukar money changer rate die RM 228 - SGD$ 100 ok! shopping ni kene pandai beb.

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This is what happen when the conversion rate is more than double! hah.

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At coffee bean, one drink cost around RM10, kaya jugak orang Johor eh.

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Bye, nak balik...

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Parting shot; Jumpe lagi Johor...

Lastly I'd like to give a quote that would be look upon in years to come, watch this space...

"Kalau nak tengok Johor indah, lawa... ah sepuluh tahun."

-by a Johor cabbie who claims he miss not
even an episode of the Anak Metro drama
and manage to sucessfully con a group of
us of taxi fare.

Goverment korang naik kan taxi fare pe...
Tau-tau pun buat tak tau je, negeri orang... ye kan sudahlah.