Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Things been working quite well...hmm.
Sort off.
No much hiccups,wonder why i'm feeling this way.

Some peeps whom i've been on a hostile set-up seems to be talking to me...again.But i ain't the one who started the hostility tho'.Maybe it should be..."some peeps whom have been on a hostile approach seems to have started talking to me again."


The first case have been cleared recently,but i'm the one whom dig up the enquiry after bout 9 months of keeppingmum-avoiding-lookaway & don't want to greet even tho' we knew each other notion taken up by that someone.Hmm after taking the steps assured by Imran,that is to ask openly what's the problem and don't try to argue over it,finally he open up.

He claims that he is offended that i seem to be angry when he doesn't get me something for my birthday.Haha,kelakar tau.C'mon man,i don't expect something materialistic for my birthday...

Anyway the hiatus is over...maybe so.

Then few hours ago,another one with that hostile approach called me up.But in this case the Imran steps couldn't or hasn't yet be applied as i've known the caused...but maybe i should go and ask lah.

So ok he called me up just now...outta the blue.We've been on quite a lil talkin terms few months back tho',yeah we greeted when bumped into each other,but to be like our yester-years,talking like bro' to bro',it just ain't happenning.Maybe time have passed and that have added to the gap.
Ya,conversations have been limited to greetings.

Wonder why he called...
Uhuh,he wanted a sneaker,to borrow one till he buy a new pair.
Politely obliged as he claimed its for schooling.

Why me?
Ya,back then he used to keep some of my pairs of sneakers,we've exchanged some too.
I own quite a few pairs tho',but why after a long hiatus,you've comeback to borrow.
This doesn't sound right kan.

Are the relation currently what it used to be?
Don't think so.
The ultimate Question is,why suddenly ask me for a favor?
Is this taking advantage?

Maybe should let it rest.
Maybe should ask him why.
Maybe should be sincere.

Will i get my fair share of pahala,afterall i'm enabling someone to go to school and continue his education.At the same time,i've enable him to cover his feet from the possible harm,which in turn will keep him walking and able to perform his duty as a healthy muslim...hope so.

Hmm...Maybe should be sincere.
Stop contemplating.

open up your heart
and dont let me go
tell me the things
you want me to know
reshape your mould
for the misshapen soul

-Mishappen by Imran A.

at contemplation-ease