Thursday, July 15, 2004

Schooling,and again i'm taking advantage of the IT lecture to update.
I simply have no time..balik je da kul brape!!
I was thinking of updating the blog and posting some ol' photos which are of memoir quality.Just ain't got the time to update at home,where adequate facilities are availabe.I'm using 56k tho' nevertheless its accomodating.

What to buy for Raiqal's b'dae?
I ain't got the money.But for his 3 siblings whose b'dae falls earlier in the year,i've bought them thier presents.That was the time when i'm doing vacation work!Now i aint working and pocket money simply ain't nuff'.So how?

Happy Birthday Fariq Raiqal b. Azhar
You've turn 7 officially.
Be a good boy,School life lies many obstacles.
Get thru it.
What you want?

To those who just knew,visit it religiously aight...5 times a day!
Jenguk-jenguk lah selalu.

at ease