Tuesday, July 06, 2004

The first day i went to school by bus.After doin some thinking manage to get hold of the bus service which could take me to Dover at the fastest time and shortest route.Settle down on service no. 65 from my neighbourhood bustop,take a transit at the bustop adjacent to Youth Park and board service no. 106 all the way to the Institution.
Hmm what you think?

I simply lost everytime i engage in a debate regarding finance with my parents.Even tho' its some matter irrelevant to money...
within a few minutes the whole thing will found itself stuck or associated with finance.Eventually i'll lost.
My pops seems to have a grudge on me...i guess?

Deep breath.Someone said that my blog looks so Imran-ish.
I guess so,i think so.
I've been an avid reader of DenganSecaraKebetulan,and ermm i'm quite influenced...sort of.Nevertheless a big congrats to Imran who got into the top 100 of Singapore Idol.Hope you get what you are fighting for.Yup its fighting not dreaming!

Tommorow is Bnss musical night and i'm gonna be seated at one of those Victoria concert hall's seat.Relishing to see those schooled peeps, its been a long time since i see ya'll.

at ease...sort of