Thursday, June 03, 2004

Been down with fever this couple of days.Recovering tho'.

The judges for Singapore Idol was rather disappointing.And to add to the dismay,there will be 4 judges instead of 3.Wonder what will happen to the supposed to be Singapore Idol.Just take a look at the previous talent quest winner,be it the Cherry Chocolate Candy or my extended family's cousin,Hazrul Nizam.Where is thier place in the local industry?

As a matter of fact Singaporeans really do not give a damn worth to this people.Not all,tho' the latter makes up the minority.

Will be putting up an act Monday at Sp with "Ok'sta"--our duely acclaimed stage ensemble.

All the very best to apiz iLm for this saturday platform 4 competition at Celebrations.Would lke to support him but the entry fee is $10.Too much for me.Still contemplating tho'.

at ease